Sound Masking Explained


With MyOffice, we’ll put together a sound masking plan for your office that offers superior sound control capabilities. Contact us today for a consultation.

What is Sound Masking?

It is a technology solution we use to achieve speech privacy for a specific area that is plagued by distraction and discomfort.  This is done by adding neutral noise to the background so as to render the distracting noise powerless.  

What are the benefits?

Speech privacy and increased productivity by not be impacted by wandering sound as you perform your duties are two key benefits. When conversations can be overheard, but not necessarily understood, that’s a speech privacy issue for everyone.

How does the technology work?

Adding noise to unwanted noise may seem counter-intuitive, but white noise provides a non-repetitious broad band sound. Because there is no natural pattern, but rather sound at all frequencies, white noise fills in the spectrum to tune out unwanted noise.

How the Voice Arrest System provides privacy & comfort

The good news is that privacy and comfort are not mutually exclusive. A low-level background sound is produced by speakers placed in the plenum and an adaptive sensor placed in the sector with the speakers that is both adaptive and adjustable. You’ve heard of a smart phone? Well, this is the smart sound masking system in that it anticipates what changes need to be made and adjusts automatically. The sensor measures the disruptive noise and automatically adjusts the volume higher or lower dependent upon the moment’s specific needs.

This system represents sound masking at its best in that it is highly effective all day. *The background noise emitted by the speakers will adapt based on the needs of the workplace, fluctuating higher and lower as is necessary.